måndag, januari 31, 2005


I read somewhere that even though many many MANY blogs were created during last year, only a very small percent of them were ever maintained or even updated.

I also caught myself being part of the masses of people creating a blog for the sake of it and never returning back to it... So here I am, finally updating this blog.

Snow has come and gone and is now back again. Like my daughter said: "It looks likes giants having powdered nature with baking powder". To that she opened the car window and shouted, loud and clear: "More baking powder!!!". The truth of the matter is that she is crazy about snow. Which is a good thing, considering that we live in Sweden... She would be one of the few people I know who would actually be very happy if we were to move futher north - preferably over the arctic circle where there is a LOT of snow, most of the winters.

But things are looking a bit brighter this year. I have be looking for an employment since may of last year (2004) and although I've been to a couple of interviews, I still haven't signed anything.
But this week looks promising:
- I went to a job talk two weeks ago and the guys promised to get bacak to me this week. (He should have done it last week, but he was sick in the flu then...)
- I have an interview on wednesday
+ an old work mate recommended me to his new employer, so maybe that will give something.

Well, I better wrap this up now. I don't want my portable to crash - again - and loose all this text. I made a backup today (for the first time in ever) so I'm just waiting for a disaster to occur.

Feel free to comment if anyone ever reads this message.

Cheers from a cold Sweden!


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